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Yet another exciting Edition of our Youths and Cadets Chess Championships.
This here is the Development Section for Under 12 Girls only
Age groups here are 2012 and 2013
Contact Vincent Masole at Whatsapp #+26772542227 for registration

3rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships -Under 12 Girls

Last update 27.10.2024 11:58:24, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Babatshi Gasha, AasaBOT0Rainbow High School
2Bosa, OmphemetseBOT0DrivePoint Chess Academy
3Chitondo, Tafadzwa HanaZIM0AvoPeach Xul of Chess
4Dlamini, Buhlebenkosi LeratoZIM0Chess Knights Academy
5Jongman, Buhle LoapiBOT0Chess Interactions
6Kagande, EleanorZIM0Haig Park Primary
7Kemiso, LorraineBOT0Moroka Chess Academy
8Leleteng, MylaBOT0TLCS
9Mafunga, ChloeZIM0Haig Park Primary
10Magodyo, NokutendaZIM0Haig Park Primary
11Makgabana, KaelaBOT0TLCS
12Mallavaram, RishitaBOT0Legae Academy
13Mnkanda, Darlene NolwaziZIM0Chess Knight Academy
14Mogwera, OmaatlaBOT0DrivePoint Chess Academy
15Mokgathong, RorisangBOT0Baobab School
16Motshewa, RorisangBOT0Chess Interactions
17Mutamiri, Phoebe TadiwaZIM0Once Upon A Child
18Nchini, SharonBOT0DrivePoint Chess Academy
19Rajesh, Jisha ReddyBOT0Northside Primary
20Sekula, OneBOT0Kgaswe International School
21Tsie, LetsoBOT0